Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Cats' Eyes

Just A Little, Shiny Teapot

At the Station

Just waiting at the station,
No anticipation,
No excitement.
No gumption.
No spirit.
The train's not arriving on time.
Like life with delays,
And endless rainy days,
Is this a sign?

(Dear Readers, A picture will be on its way shortly)

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Your Blue Eyes

One day I met this little friend of mine,
And since my life has never been the same.
With those eyes, I am hypnotised,
The magic I can't even begin to explain.

His blue eyes fill my heart,
He takes my breath away,
Perfection in a human form,
In every single way.

I love your blue eyes, blue eyes, blue eyes.

Under the Willow Tree


Oh how times changed,
From old to new,
We sat as kids,
One candle we blew.

Our youth around us,
No future days,
But now they're here,
And how we've changed.

Now sixteen sit,
Atop a cake,
Our future here,
And it won't wait.

The future's spread,
Out like a map.
Which path to try?
Which route to take?

But make it now,
Before it's late.
Be sure and true,
Follow your head,
And then your heart,
The right thing's there,
Just make that start.

A Dog Called Banjo

So Pure of Heart

Dear X,
I hope you don't mind that I put some of your work on my blog. They're just too good to go unnoticed.

Yes here's the key,
Unlock my heart,
So much to see,
Which place to start?

You get it wrong,
Why don't you see?
It's been so long,
You could set it free.

But now it's broke,
You locked my heart,
Don't try to stoke,
That dying spark.

Just leave right now,
And shut the door,
Nothing to do,
Not any more.

A Little Birdie

Such a little bird,
All alone in the world,
Not a care or worry in sight,
Just gliding through the air in flight.

By X

The leaves they fall,
Upon the stage,
Gone brown and wrinkled,
Showing their age.

But once they were,
Just a simple bud,
Full of new life,
Only knowing good.

Then in the sun,
They'd wave and dive,
And sat with fruit,
To watch it thrive.

Now they have gone,
And winter's here,
No more hope,
Until next year.

Written by X.